Classroom Management and Personalised Learning

Throwback to my class in 2010 – 2011

There are many learning methods that can be used by a teacher.

One that I used to develop my class is through multimedia activities.

Using a classroom management software, students learned what they had acquired in accordance with the speed they was absorbing the lesson.

My Math class (6 years ago) in provided a variety of features that were engaging to students.

What I have done are putting worksheet and teaching materials, provide assessment online, provide step by step videos for personalised learning and create forum.

There are so many aspects to explore from materials and features to help students adopts multimedia technologies in learning process.

For my class, this is one method to bridge gen Z with the learning style and techniques of the past.

How Technology help in my Class – an experience

I was invited to share my experience in GEGWJ +1 meet up, event to celebrate their first anniversary community in Google Educator Group West Jakarta, about “How technology help in my Class”.

Technology helps a lot, indeed.

So, I share one experience here, towards the event.

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Writing on Penultimate during explanation in front of the class, compile into Evernote, share it through LMS Schoology.

And, when writing in class is not just enough like I said before, make video cast in Explain Everything, share it through LMS, as well.

LMS, another technology that helps me to assist online assessment, in class or at home.

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