Bermain dengan SPHERO BOLT

  1. Pertanyaan pertama yang muncul adalah, apakah itu SPHERO? Sphero adalah sebuah robot berbentuk bola (sphere), yang mampu digerakkan dengan memberikan program kepadanya.
  • Wah berarti harus belajar “Coding” atau pemrograman? Jawabnya bisa iya, bisa tidak. Tergantung seberapa jauh rumitnya program yang ingin kita jalankan.

Tahun 2015, Sphero bergabung dengan program Disney dalam hal menyediakan dan menjalankan kreasi robot – robot inovatif untuk Marvel, Pixar, dan yang paling dasyat adalah StarWars (Robot BB8).

  • Lalu, pertanyaan selanjutnya, selain pelajaran di kelas komputer, dapatkah membuat pembelajaran yang terintegrasi dengan teknologi robot sphero ini? Jawabannya adalah, IYA, bisa. Tergantung gurunya mau belajar atau tidak 🙂 *klise

Sphero robot ada beberapa jenis, yaitu:

  1. Sphero BOLT
  2. Sphero SPRK+
  3. Sphero mini

Saya ingin berbagi pengalaman di sini dalam hal bermain bersama Sphero BOLT. Kebetulan jenis itu yang saya miliki saat ini.

Mari kita lihat lebih detil, hal-hal apa yang ada pada Sphero BOLT:

        1. Dengan matriks LED yang mencolok dan berbagai sensor baru, robot berbentuk bola yang dilengkapi dengan aplikasi ini, memberikan kesempatan tanpa batas untuk menjadi seorang kreatif dan pemrograman yang biasanya di benak kita sangat sulit malah bisa jadi kesenangan tersendiri saat kita menguliknya karena bentuk fisik robot yang lucu seperti bola.
        2. Ukuran robot Sphero BOLT adalah Tinggi: 73 mm, Lebar: 73 mm dan Berat: 200g. Ukuran ini nyaris sebesar bola bisbol.
        3. Lapisan kulit bola disegel dan tidak dapat terbuka. Lapisan transparan, tahan lama, anti air dan tahan gores.
        4. Lama batare dapat digunakan untuk bermain adalah selama 2 jam. Setelah itu dapat diisi ulang seperti layaknya mengisi data pada telepon genggam. Pengisian sederhana dan induktif.
        5. Beberapa sensor pada Sphero BOLT: Encoder Motor, Giroskop, Akselerometer, 8×8 Matrix LED, Inframerah, Kompas dan Sensor cahaya.
        6. Koneksi ke app, dengan “Bluetooth LE”, dapat menjangkau sejauh 30 m.
        7. Untuk menjalankan Sphero BOLT, app dapat dijalankan melalui: Sphero Edu (iOS, Android, Kindle, Chrome), Swift Playgrounds (iOS), Windows.
        8. Kecepatan maksimum gerakan Sphero BOLT adalah 2 m/s.
        9. Sphero BOLT dapat dimainkan di dalam ruangan, di luar ruangan, di permukaan lantai yang keras, di permukaan karpet. Dapat pula dijalankan di atas permukaan kotor, berair bahkan cairan cat sekalipun.


  1. Pada kesempatan ini, saya ingin bagikan tentang integrasi pelajaran Matematika dasar menggunakan logika koding sederhana melalui robot Sphero BOLT.
  • Menghitung Luas Persegi.

Langkah – langkah:

  • Install Sphero Edu di smartphone / tablet.
  • Membuat program koding di aplikasi tersebut.












  • Dari sensor lokasi, kita dapat melihat jaraknya berdasarkan grafik / diagram tempuh yang membentuk persegi.
  • Dan dari ukuran tersebut, siswa dapat menghitung luas persegi nya.








Sangat mudah, bukan?

Dari kegiatan ini, siswa berlatih lebih banyak dari sekedar menghitung luas persegi bangun datar. Mereka akan berlatih pola pikir runut, berlatih membuat program mereka sendiri untuk menggerakkan robot bola sphero, berlatih kreatif menciptakan suara-suara dan lampu-lampu cantik yang disediakan robot dalam matrix LED 8×8 tadi.

Dan yang terpenting adalah siswa senang dan gembira, karena belajar lebih dari sekedar menghitung.

Sebagai tambahan, untuk bangun datar saja, program bisa dibuat lebih sulit untuk membentuk bangun datar jajar genjang misalnya, atau trapesium, karena ada sudut gerakan yang harus dimasukkan ke dalam program robot.

Berikut adalah hasil bermain saya bersama robot Sphero BOLT untuk menghitung luas persegi.

Selamat Mencoba!

TEST – But Given Answer Key (?)

This topic “Permutations and Combinations” is one of the topic that most of my students don’t like (me too 😯 *whoops*). But for some students who are really excel in Maths, of course, no problems at all. Lucky me, having them in my class.

When the topic of your mathematics class is not just like calculating and using formula, then, it will more challenge you how to teach them.

In your explanations, it is not just “must be in clear”, but you should also recognize your students’ understanding level. Some of them grab the concept in easily, but some of them hard to translate the meaning of the words. How can you make them differentiate between arrangement and selection, for example, in one problem. For me, I see difficulties to make them understand it.

Beside this topic is hard to explain, a good thing always appears on the other side. When you see your students get excited after finding the answers (similar situation and reaction when they can show trigonometry identities problems), you will satisfy and feel success teaching them.

To make them excited during the test, in one section of my test paper, I attached the answer key (without working process) on each question. Instead of asking them to answer, I want them to explain how to get the answer, in any methods.

They were happy, you know, test but answer key was given? yeaaayy. They tried to find the answers, they used any methods, to match it with the given one. They are allowed to do that, of course. However, at the end, marks will be given based on their explanations, why they chose that way.

After I distributed the test paper back to them, no one complaint about the test score. Although, there were some students provide the answer same with the given one, but the process was wrong, they will not get the marks on that question. They knew and realized, that they “created” the “not logical” working that came up with the same answer 🙂 .

This is interesting, isn’t it?

In one side, you trust your students to find any methods with any working process to get the answer same with the answer key given by you (for me, it is actually exercising their critical thinking) while in the other side they will try as hard as they can to get it.

These two pictures are captured from two students who provided their answers with complete explanations (structural and also wording).

Solve “Ed Southall” Maths

Last week, I answered the challenge question of basic mathematics given by Ed Southall @solvemymaths, the author of “Yes But Why?” and “Geometry Snacks” in his twitter timeline.

Here is the question:

What fraction is shaded?

My reply was late. But, I still did that, because I did many times answering maths questions that were appear in my timeline. Some people had already answered in correctly, some just gave up immediately and replied with funny responses and some did wrong.

Few days after that, I found my name spotted by as one of the users whose rose to the challenge.

Ed’s question has gone viral. He caught up by many medias from UK. The famous Ed should be proud, however, I also proud and very happy because my name was spotted in the media…. hahaha 😀 I am joking that I am famous now. #eh

The idea of giving question in social media, is always interesting. It depends on the purpose of course. As a teacher, you can use your social media to challenge your students with questions. Make the link between you and your students. See how your students will response on it. As Ed, he wants to spread the fun of learning mathematics, I believe, he regularly challenge people by his (not so hard) questions, actually, but will make people to think before answer. Including me.

This is fun and very useful, to make friends in social media from other countries, and see what people think about many things, especially in educations.


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