Belajar Kimia (di Fisika)

Menemukan anak saya yang kebingungan bercerita tentang betapa sulitnya pelajaran fisikanya saat ini, membuat saya mencari beberapa referensi tentang bagaimana menjelaskan materi tersebut kepada siswa kelas 7 yang baru tiga bulan lalu membuang label “anak SD” di statusnya.

Dalam kebingungannnya, diapun bercerita dengan runut apa yang terjadi di kelas. Bagaimana si guru berusaha menjelaskan dan membuat anak-anak mengerti, tetapi di sisi sebaliknya, anak-anak yang tidak mengerti maksud yang dikatakan si guru. Keluarlah kata-kata baru yang ditangkap anak saya saat penjelasan di kelas seperti sistem periodik, ion positif, asam, basa, garam, cl, so4, lakmus merah biru, wuuaahh banyak deh. Semuanya ditanya ini apa, itu apa (Jadi ingat dulu slogan sebuah iklan pengetahuan di televisi “mengapa begini, mengapa begitu”).

Saya kok rasanya bisa merasakan bahwa mayoritas anak-anak ini sepulang dari sekolah mengalami hal yang sama “kebingungan”…. ini belajar apa yakk? Yang berbeda ya hanya reaksi mereka saja karena tiap anak kan memang berbeda dan spesial. Anak saya mungkin reaksinya membela dirinya dengan mengatakan “semua teman-teman juga bingung ma, di kelas berisik karena pada gak ngerti”. Tidak menutup kemungkinan anak lain yang makin tambah cuek karena tidak mengerti apa yang dipelajari atau sebaliknya semakin tertantang membuat dirinya mencari, bertanya, belajar dan sedikit demi sedikit menemukan jawabannya sendiri.

Saya membuka buku catatannya, membuka buku panduannya, dan merasa hanya bisa tarik napas dan berkata “yuk kita belajar semampu kamu menangkapnya saja ya”… Mulai deh kami belajar. Larutan Kimia itu dibagi tiga skala besar, asam, basa dan garam. Untuk mengetahuinya perlu indikator, indikator itu ada pada kertas lakmus, indikator buatan dan indikator murni. Mengapa dia disebut asam karena terdiri dari gabungan ion positif hidrogen dan ion negatif dari non metal. Singkatnya depannya harus ada H….

Kelihatannya sejauh ini berhasil nih menjelaskannya 🙂 ternyataaaa…. bertabur pertanyaan ketidaktahuan sekaligus keingintahuan. “mengapa hanya ada asam, basa, garam?” , “asam untuk apa?” , “mengapa harus ada dua ion positif dan negatif?” , “kertas lakmus itu kayak apa?” , “mengapa menuliskan asam harus didahului oleh ion positif H?”……. dll

asam basa garam

Ampunnnnn nak, mama sudah banyak lupa, harus belajar lagi, apa mama daftar masuk smp lagi yuk, sekelasmu deh? 🙂

Pertanyaan runut yang menunjukkan, begitu luasnya ilmu dan ingin diketahuinya. Permasalahannya, di tempat yang namanya sekolah dan terbatas oleh kurikulum serta silabus, hal ini sering menjadikan ilmu itu terbatas, “sampai di sini dulu ya” (mungkin begitu kata para guru), “sudahlah hapalin aja ini bentuknya” (nanti testnya kan yang ini saja)…. entahlah.

Yang tidak terpungkiri adalah, dulu saat saya dikenalkan pelajaran kimia, rasanya malah lebih “nurut dan patuh” terima bahwa itulah unsur kimia, tidak “protes” dengan memberondong pertanyaan “itu apaan?”, “itu gunanya apa?”…. Tapi ya itu dia namanya perubahan, perubahan jaman, perubahan karakter seseorang akibat perubahan lingkungannya. Jadi kalau kurikulum 2013 masih mengangkat kompetensi dengan kata-kata “patuh”, tambah bingung saya menterjemahkannya.

Mungkin satu hal lagi adalah, dulu saya dikenalkan kimia saat kelas 10 sma, sekarang anak saya kelas 7 smp. Woww hebat, dalam benak orang-orang tertentu memang begitu lah “belajar duluan, supaya lebih cepat pintar” (seperti pernyataan beberapa orang tua yang diinterview acara Buah Hati di salah satu stasiun TV kemarin mengatakan anaknya memang dipaksa belajar membaca berhitung di usia 3 – 4 tahun supaya tidak ketinggalan saat masuk SD). #duh

Salahkah belajar kimia di kelas 7? Tidak sama sekali. Apa yang dipelajari? Yang cocok dengan pemula anak usia 12 tahun-an. Tapi pelajaran ini kan hanya sub topik belajar dari mata pelajaran fisika? Nah itu dia, mengapa berkesan “ditempel” saja di pelajaran fisika, belum lagi, pelajaran fisika saja merupakan turunan dari IPA (level SMP hanya mengenal IPA). Jadi kesan yang tertangkap (saya) adalah pelajaran sih IPA saja (sains / science) tapi demi membantu siswa dan penjual buku paket, dibagilah lagi IPA fisika dan IPA biologi, lalu niat membantu berlanjut dengan IPA kimia (kemarin saya menemukan satu buku soal-soal bertajuk IPA kimia ini). Tapi bagaimana dengan kondisi psikologis si anak yang harus terima sebegitu banyak materi pelajarannya? Si anak yang memikirkan mengapa menuliskan asam sulfat sebagai H2SO4 ? Apa bedanya dengan cara menulis HCl maupun Al(OH)3 ? Sementara jika memang bersifat “tempelan” yaa tidak apa-apa juga, anggaplah sebagai perkenalan untuk anak-anak kelas 7 ini 🙂 

Yakinkah mereka akan belajar reaksi kimia asam / basa di atas detil mengikuti aturannya (mengetahui jumlah ion positif dan negatif, misalnya)? Rasanya bapak ibu guru pengampu mata pelajaran inipun bisa setuju dengan saya yaitu jawabannya tidak kan?

Contoh lain, pada saat anak saya belajar topik suhu, diminta menentukan pada suhu berapakah skala celcius akan sama dengan skala fahrenheit? Ujungnya, anak saya dan semua temannya wajib melakukan langkah-langkah penyelesaian menggunakan sistem penyelesaian persamaan (Aljabar). Mirisnya, dalam penyelesaian aljabar persamaan linier, metode balancing (secara sistematis) belum diperkenalkan di jenjang SD bahkan baru akan mulai di kelas 7 ini, jadi bukannya anak-anak ini tidak bisa melainkan tidak selancar level anak yang sudah mendalami sistem persamaan linier.

Kembali ke persoalan kimia ini. Singkat cerita, dengan penjelasan yang relatif sederhana, kemarin anak saya baru sebatas mampu membedakan mana jenis asam dan basa, serta menggunakan indikator kertas lakmus (ooww yaa akhirnya dia terbayang apa itu kertas lakmus 🙂 ). Yah, tidak apa-apa, itu dulu, nanti lanjut ke bagian pertemuan ion positif dan ion negatif.

Lalu bagaimana ya sebagai guru menjadikan pembelajaran ini semenarik mungkin dan memancing siswa ingin belajar lebih jauh dan tertarik dengan hal baru ini. Di situlah tantangannya. Guru jangan terjebak ingin memberikan semuanya karena merasa dituntut kurikulum dan silabus dan harus menyelesaikan RPP saja, tetapi bagaimana membuat siswa merasa “wah, ini sulit ya pelajarannya, ingin tahu ah, ingin belajar lebih banyak”, jangan ragu, takut dan putus asa ketika si anak mengeluh dan mengatakan “susaaahhhh, saya gak bisa, gak mau belajar”, karena rasa putus asa guru bisa berakibat “pokoknya besok akan ada quiz ya, yang tidak perhatikan, tidak bisa”. Rasanya sih juga tidak perlu berangan bahwa anak menjadi tertarik dengan diberikan sebegitu banyak contoh reaksi menjadi asam seperti H+ + Cl -> HCl, tetapi lebih kepada memperkenalkan sistem periodik saja mungkin? Atau mengapa disebut asam terkait dengan nama kimianya diawali dengan H? Hmm, pasti banyaklah ide di luar sana.


Saya menemukan beberapa contoh RPP tentang pembelajaran ini, dan selalu hanya takjub dengan kelengkapan dan keindahan rangkaian sebuah pengantar pembelajaran 🙂 kondisinya nampak selalu ideal 🙂 aahh… andaikan…..

Want to know how well learners are learning or teachers are teaching? Visit the classroom. There’s no shortcut…..

Using Google SketchUp “3D for everyone”

Students in Primary and Junior high level, usually get introduced to 3D basic shapes through topics of finding the surface area and its volume. I’m not sure how deep they get into the idea and concept about it. Sometimes it can be so  hard for the children to see things in 3D or perspective.

Basic 3D shapes are prisms, cylinder, pyramid, cone and sphere. There are many prisms based on its bases. Rectangular prism means a prism with rectangle form base. Hexagonal prism means a prism with hexagon form base. Prisms and pyramid have flat faces, while cylinder, cone and sphere have curved surfaces.

They also focus on learning of rectangular prism or sometimes called cuboid (“balok” in Indonesian), there are some terms used to represent part of it.

1. Face Diagonal: is a diagonal on one of the faces. Since there are 6 faces in rectangular prism then the total is 12 face diagonals.

2. Body Diagonal / Space Diagonal: is a diagonal passing through the interior of the polyhedron, so there are 4 body / space diagonals.

3. Plane Diagonal: When two opposite face diagonals connected, a plane diagonal is formed. There are 6 plane diagonals.

Beside 3D basic shapes, there are composite 3D, such as capsules, combination between cube and pyramid, pendulum.

There are many 3D modeling softwares, and teachers can choose one that is more suitable for their students. For me, to help my students develop their three dimensional visualization ability, I found that Google SketchUp is a very useful software tools. A little bit of SketchUp, SketchUp is a 3D modelling program for a broad range of applications such as architectural, civil, mechanical, film as well as video game design — and available in free as well as ‘professional’ versions.

The concept of using Google SketchUp, is the basic knowledge of mathematics when students need to study how they find the volume. You just find the base area and measure how height it will be. That is volume. SketchUp tells you after drawing 2D shape as its base, “pull up” as height as you want then booommm 3D shape has been made. Easy to connect with Primary or Junior High level, isn’t it?

When I said about diagonals in a cube above, pictures below are the result when it’s drawn in Google SketchUp:

From left to right: cube 1, 2 and 3 describe plane diagonals (plane diagonal is in 2D shape), cube 4 describes face diagonals and cube 5 describes body / space diagonals.

diagonals' types

Below are some basic steps how to use Google SketchUp to create 3D shapes (my student Chika helped me with the tutorial)

How to make prism (4 sides)?

1.  First make a rectangle using this button tool rectangle

on layer rectangle

2. Press  pushpull tool  button then select the rectangle and pull the rectangle into a prism 4 sides.

rectangular prism

How to make pyramid (rectangle base)?

1.  First make a rectangle.

on layer rectangle

2.  Press line tool  button then make one line on the first diagonal of the rectangle.

face diagonal

3. Then take another line on the other diagonal.

two face diagonals

4. Then use button move tool , put on the intersection point of two face diagonals, move up, to make it into pyramid.


How to make a cone?

1. Make a circle using this button circle tool

on layer circle

2. Then use line tool  button and put it on the center of the circle and drag it up, vertically on blue axis.

height of cone

3. Still use line tool button to draw a line from the top to one side of the circumference.

slant height

4. Still use line tool button and draw the third line connects the two end points, it becomes a right angle triangle.

before follow me

5. Press  tools  and press follow me lists in tools, then drag the triangle around the circle.

cone being followed

After creating 3D basic shapes, students explored and practiced themselves (under my supervision) to create many shapes and objects. Capsules and torus are combined as follow and students might end up with a very interesting cartoon character 🙂

Grisel's cartoon

This kind of active learning is one of the example of metacognition (The idea of controlling our thinking processes and becoming more conscious of our learning).  When higher-order thinking skills are what teachers are striving for in the classroom, then, teachers should make sure each student know their basic building blocks, and know how to combine it into more complex knowledge.

First, students installed the software. Second, they recognised and learned the tools. And finally, they created 3D shapes (started from the basic one – from simple composite 3D up to complex 3D object).

As their teacher, I also created one 3D object and use it to challenge them. This based on the metacognitive principles to include three essential skills:

  1. Planning: refers to the appropriate selection of strategies and the correct allocation of resources that affect task performance.
  2. Monitoring: refers to one’s awareness of comprehension and task performance.
  3. Evaluating: refers to appraising the final product of a task and the efficiency at which the task was performed. This can include re-evaluating strategies that were used.

Enjoy Learning! 🙂

After the lesson, then I received “A Gift” 🙂 love it…

A Gift

What is the most interesting present that you have ever received in your life?

When someone gives you a present, you must be very happy, don’t you? There are a lot of reasons why people buy presents for others. To celebrate graduation, having a baby, get marriage etc.  Or maybe, it is not only about buying the present but also creating or making product. Whether the gift was bought or created, it will surely be appreciated by the receiver.

Sometimes, the gift is a special creation by someone “gifted”, and it become a unique one-of-a-kind appreciation for the receiver, and it feels great to receive such gift.

Recently, I received a gift from my previous student. The gift is so special because he made “this project” after I introduced him to free software Google SketchUp during one lesson. The gift really shows his appreciation since he explored himself the technique needed to create a very futuristic 3D figure based on his imagination. From a simple lesson in Maths class become a marvelous design. The lessons also enabled him to nurture his hobby to create and share his own SketchUp based design. This is one of the best gift I have ever had 🙂

Hereby, I attach his email citation to me with the screen capture of his “Chrome Delta Space Ship”.

Hi, ma’am.


Anyway, I never got a chance to properly say thank you
for introducing me to SketchUp, and a proper goodbye. The
file I have attached here is part of what basically is a
friendly competition between me and Nathan Hartanto. We sent
SKP files for Space ships designs. I have made two, one is
the one I sent in this mail, and one other I made for
practice. He made a highly detailed escape pod, and what
looks like a plain but somehow coordinated shape of the
ship. We’re done with that war when he started writing, and
he asked me to do revisions for him. That still continues
today. Shame about not being in the same class though.

The interior is not done, but you can either walk in
through the hangar door under the back thrusters, or just
X-Ray the whole ship. Underneath the front thrusters (To
make amends to what Star Wars did wrong, the lack of
opposing force to decelerate ships in space), is a landing
gear, and underneath both wings are two more landing gears.
There are a total of six thrusters, Two in the back, one in
each wing, and two in the front. Nathan commented on the
uneffective design on the hangar, saying that a ship should
not carry many fighters, and that the hangar should be able
to fit at least three on one drop. But, it was made
aesthetics first.

If you have never introduced me to SketchUp, this would
not have been possible. I never would’ve made a dozen more
projects, and this ship to satisfy my imagination. So for
that, I formally here in this e-mail would like to say thank
you, ma’am. Thank you.

Also,…… I’d like to also say good bye to you,
and hope that somewhere else, you may help other students
progress. Your teaching style is quite top notch ma’am, and
I am sure your son is grateful to have a mother like you.

One last thing, …… I wanted
something better to present. Something that would make
people kinda have a sense of disbelief that this project was
made from scratch by a then eight grader. I believe I’ve
done it, in my own honest opinion, and though it’s very
late, consider this a farewell gift. I want to create a
version 2,0 of the similar ship from scratch, but that needs
time. So, this’ll do.

Picture 9

Picture 3

Picture 6

Picture 7

Picture 8

Picture 4 

snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake