Apple Leadership Camp 2016

I was chosen to attend Apple Leadership Camp last month, 23rd – 25th September 2016 in Singapore by my School. With my IPad use in class, I really think that I was lucky and this would be my advantage, personal and people around 🙂 *happy*.

I went to Singapore together with three colleagues from Springfield School.

Day 1:

My first day was started with visiting United World College of South East Asia (UWCSEA) in Tampines, Primary School section. Actually, I chose to visit Singapore American School, Secondary level. However, the capacity for the participant was over limit.

UWCSEA also have Secondary school section, but we only visited to the Primary. That was okay, because through Primary school, I also could see how they applied their curriculum to:

  • develop a child’s natural curiosity
  • use an integrated approach to learning
  • encourage an international perspective
  • extend learning beyond the classroom
  • use specialist teachers for single subject areas
  • use information technology and library resources to support learning
  • recognise parents as partners in a child’s learning process
  • develop a child’s awareness of the importance of service to others

And all are still relate with my G9 and G10 students.

UWCSEA has been recognised as an Apple Distinguished School for 2013–2016 for its strong focus on pedagogy and teacher practice within a technology-rich learning environment.

This is to answer some questions from my colleagues friends, even though teachers and students there use IPad for teaching and learning, they use it sometimes as the tool only, the education software and applications can be taken from many things not just from Apple products. Truly reflects where the Apple Distinguished School designation is reserved for programmes that meet criteria for innovation, leadership, and educational excellence, and demonstrate Apple’s vision of exemplary learning environments.

From UWCSEA East, I continued my trip to Equarius Hotel at Sentosa Island, and join the opening Camp Program as their main session.

A lot of sharing, and two impressed me so much. Sandhya Bala, a-G12 girl from Singapore American School shared her experience to make an apps like Quizlet for Apple. The apps will be released around Feb 2017. Can’t wait to see it. Second one, OMAi CEO Josef Dorninger has a background as a social worker and youth educator. At this occasion, he talked about the story and underlying vision of Tagtool for educational use. This was followed by a brief performance and a hands-on session for the audience.

Day 2:

Breakout session started. On this day, there were 5 sessions that I attended.

Session 1: United World College SEA
Recognised as a leader in research-based pedagogical development, the UWCSEA Learning Technology Team shared their story through a mixture of conversation and case-studies. How they started with solid, shared understandings of good pedagogy and drive all classroom practice, including technology use, from that common start point. They also showed how this approach quickly shifted the conversation from “if” or “why” to “when” and “how”. They support teachers in different areas via the development of subject or pedagogy toolkits.

Session 2: Singapore American School
The Quest program. The program around 4 pillars: Skills for lifelong learning, Personalisation, Community of learners, and Time to be inspired. The program purposefully prioritises skills over content and enriches college applications. Quest advisors and students shared their perspective on the program development, early successes and challenges and how it is impacting students.

Session 3: Defining Your Success: Understanding Ideas and Tools for meaningful measurement and reflection ~ Dr. Damian Bebell
For many educators and school leaders, measurement and data are associated with national testing initiatives, exam results and performance tables. Dr Bebell shared the latest generation of ideas, tools and best practices for putting empirical and simple research based approaches within easy reach of schools which use real-time data visualisations and infographics to portray data collected from international school settings. He also showed us to explore how leveraging simple research and reflection activities may serve to better inform our communities through data stories.

Session 4: Jakarta Intercultural School
How do you use your time and organise your people? How do members of your organisation spend their time? How do you know if you have designed the strongest teams?

Day 3:

Session 5: United World College SEA
Continuing from the first session, this time they showed how they measure the success of technology supported classroom practice and discuss various issues and approaches to measuring the success of technology supported teaching and learning. So many examples given, and some of them already used by me *Horraayy* . EDPuzzle, Desmos, Geogebra, Recording your Feedback or creating mini lessons, Khan Academy, etc.

Finally, I finished all my session here and back to Jakarta with happy feelings <3 Thank you, School, for this opportunity.

Below are pictures taken from my trip. Enjoy!! 🙂

Click [Show as slideshow] below, to open the pictures in slideshow view. To see the title of each picture, move your mouse pointer over the picture.

More photos, can be seen through my google photo album.

Tagtool transforms your iPad into a live instrument for inspired visuals. Paint with light, create animated graffiti or tell improvised stories. Use Tagtool for jams, performances or guerilla interventions. Light up your imagination!

GESS Indonesia 2016


This year, I had opportunity to join in GESS Conference as one of the speaker. Or better saying as a person who willing to share his / her idea or experience on their journey of teaching (If the person is a teacher, like me 🙂 ).

I shared the use of IPad in the classroom to assist learning. I have been using it for several years.

Use your IPad (tablet) as a mobile interactive whiteboard and enjoy a completely untethered teaching experience. Focus on your class and not the whiteboard. Embed rich media elements like graphics, images and videos and leverage a variety of drawing and annotation tools to make your lectures come alive. You don’t need a traditional interactive whiteboard anymore.

Before IPad, I used a wacom (a drawing pad connected to the PPT) since 2008, and one of my sharing can be read here.

I started looking for other alternatives through the IPad. From the first launched in early 2010, I believe that IPad will be a very useful tool for the completeness of my teaching in the classroom.

Let’s see the IPad role in my class, among others:

1. The virtual whiteboard.

2. Presentations that have been made previously in Keynote / PPT / Sway / Video.

3. Live presentation screen recording.

4. Post the presentation directly in to the virtual classroom / online, Schoology based.

5. Browsing certain websites during the lesson. For me, there are some difficult things to explain through presentations that have been made in advance and presented by PPT. Sometimes I need to do in the same time, both explaining and writing. In this case, the IPad, the virtual whiteboard, solved my problems.

How is the workflows of the use of IPad and to connect it to the classroom projector? Check it out here:

1. Install Penultimate.

2. Install Explain Everything.

3. Install Schoology.

4. Internet / wifi connection in the classroom.

5. When I need a virtual whiteboard during my explanation, I open Penultimate. If I want to show images (from my files or from internet), I can easily insert it into my whiteboard screen.

6. If I want to explain with the help of software such as GeoGebra / desmos calculator, I also can easily replace the display board into browsing screen to access the website.

7. To display the virtual whiteboard on a projector screen, can be helped by these ways:

a. VGA cable connection with IPad to the projector.

b. If no cable like above, and your desktop is iMac or MacBook (desktop connected to the projector), IPad screen first transferred via USB cable connection to the iMac or MacBook use Quick Time Player Recording, and then to the projector (By doing this, I can easily record my screen presentation).

c. Use Apple TV: wireless, your mobile virtual whiteboard.

8. To create screencast lesson video, I use “Explain Everything”. This method used for the purpose of my blended learning / my flipped mastery classroom.

9. And, to store all those materials or classroom’s archive with students, I use online class, LMS, Schoology. Students can easily reach out the materials / teaching materials, anywhere, anytime. And they are also assessed by various formative tests in Schoology.

Some pictures to describe the connection:

screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-10-46-47-am screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-10-47-05-am screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-10-47-36-am screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-10-47-57-am

Teaching – Learning Media

A Post from May 2012

Friday, May 11th, 2012…..
One of the most memorable day of my life.
On that day, together with my students, we started our first class with iPad.

iPad is one amazing technology development, and I have this “advantage” of not  much into games so I can “play” with it to explore how to use it in my class.

I felt, ever since it was launched several years ago, iPad was mostly considered as a portable game center or sophisticated personal library of emails, photos and video. Even, parents tend to proudly show it off how their toddlers play with iPad.
Fortunately lots of people can see beyond the games and actually use it for learning, especially in the classroom.
You can click

Especially after the launch of iPad2, and Apple cleverly updated the features on iPad with this amazing “video mirroring” to make it easier for teachers to use their materials, and application to the class.

Suddenly, iPad with its multi touch surface is becoming so accessible to the whole class if you need that too.
Click on the following link to learn about 5 advantage of iPad2

When i used it in the classroom, it’s easy to see how helpfull iPad can be to show various applications, graphics, photos and of course my own virtual class. With iPad, it was like you have an advanced version of interactive whiteboard, while at the same time a direct access to your own materials. Of course, all works wirelessly.

I’ve been annotating my own Powerpoint presentation and PDF for years, but with iPad, i can annotate it and immediately safe it online from the same device, so the students can reread it.

The newer part is the content creation ability. With iPad, you can create videos, drawing, diagrams and easily share it as well.

It was exactly what I did that Friday, as I also recorded my class and then edit the video on the iPad.
You can see in the video, sometimes student eyes glued on the screen and it is a clue on how the right medium can actually help students focus.
Click on my link Last day in 2011 – 2012 with my students

I’ve been recording instructional videos since the last two years, but iPad also make it way easier to record the students as well if i want to add their response or answers, and I can do it directly in the classroom.

Before I even brought it into  teaching and learning process, I’ve known how powerful iPad can be.
But to actually use it make me realize how iPad can complete the cycle of material creations, delivery, exercise/quiz, assessment, feedback and interaction that I’ve done for the last two years. That, and you can never underestimate wireless portability 🙂

For me, that Friday really serve as a stepping stone to really educate and prepare my students for their digital future…

Jumat, 11 May 2012, saya rasakan sebagai salah satu hari yang paling berkesan dalam hidup saya.

Bersama dengan murid-murid saya, kami memulai untuk pertama kali (kebetulan bagi mereka menjadi yang terakhir kali bersama saya karena hari itu merupakan hari terakhir mereka di kelas 9), pengajaran di dalam kelas menggunakan iPad.

iPad merupakan salah satu kecanggihan teknologi yang sangat mengagumkan. Keuntungan saya tidak suka berkutat dengan games, malah menjadikan perangkat iPad sebagai salah satu media melakukan teaching learning di dalam kelas.

Klik link berikut ini untuk melihat bahwa iPad sudah menjadi bagian umum dalam ranah pendidikan

Lalu seperti biasa kecanggihan apple mengeluarkan update berkalanya, demikian juga dengan iPad 2. Kecanggihan yang ditawarkanpun meningkat seperti disebut di atas “video mirroring”. Presentasi menjadi bertambah kaya ragam, profesi guru yang identik dengan mempresentasikan bahan ajar menjadi sangat terbantu dengan kualitas iPad 2 ini.

Karena iPad 2 memiliki salah satu fasilitas yang menakjubkan yaitu “video mirroring” maka iPad 2 sangat berguna untuk pembelajaran di dalam kelas. Sebagai guru dapat menghadirkan software-software pembelajaran dari aplikasi pendidikannya pada saat mengajar kepada seluruh siswanya di kelas.
Klik link berikut untuk mengetahui 5 keunggulan iPad 2.

Saya merasa, bahwa saat keluarnya iPad beberapa tahun lalu, mayoritas orang menganggap bahwa iPad sebagai salah satu tablet canggih untuk memiliki perpustakaan pribadi, email, penyimpan data pribadi (foto dan video). Kadang banyak orang tua “bangga” dengan “anak usia balitanya adalah pengguna iPad”.

Ketika saya menggunakan iPad untuk proses belajar mengajar di kelas, sangat mudah untuk melihat bahwa iPad sangat berguna sebagai bagian media presentasi kepada siswa, macam-macam aplikasi, grafik, foto dan tentu saja kelas virtual saya. Seperti merasakan versi pengembangan dari interactive whiteboard dengan waktu yang bersamaan dapat mengakses langsung ke material milik kita sendiri. Dan yang pasti, semua secara wireless.

Sayapun sudah pernah mencoba menggunakan anotasi pada PPT dan PDF untuk beberapa tahun terakhir. Tetapi dengan iPad, hasil anotasi tadi dapat langsung disimpan secara online untuk diakses kembali oleh siswa di mana saja.

Video yang saya persembahkan untuk siswa saya di akhir masa belajarnya bersama saya, merupakan sisi lain dari penggunaan iPad, kami menikmati moment di mana siswa melihat dirinya sendiri di layar projector dan kami berkesan pesan dalam video tersebut.
Klik link saya di Last day in 2011 – 2012 with my students untuk melihat kami memasuki era baru belajar dengan iPad 2 di dalam kelas.

Saya telah membuat video pembelajaran sejak dua tahun terakhir ini, iPad membuat segalanya menjadi lebih mudah.
Salah satunya saya bahkan dapat membuatnya langsung dari dalam kelas.

iPad dapat melengkapi siklus pembelajaran saya mulai dari berkreasi akan materi ajar, menyampaikan ilmunya,
memberikan latihan/PR/quiz bahkan tugas-tugas lain, feedback, interaksi dengan siswa selain di dalam kelas, selama dua tahun terakhir ini. Perkembangan siklus ini saya harap semakin besar, sejalan dengan proses saya belajar dan belajar.

Bagi saya, hari Jumat itu sungguh merupakan sebuah batu loncatan untuk mengajar, membimbing dan mempersiapkan siswa siswa saya di dalam era digital yang telah mereka masuki untuk masa depan mereka…..

snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake