Using PowerPoint as Virtual Whiteboard

When I was in school, teachers used to use chalkboard as their tool to present the lessons transferring ideas. … and that means, over 30s years ago 😉 x_x

Different then my first teaching experience, I used “whiteboard” as writing tool, advancing to Over Head Projector and then presentation software.

Since entering the era of 21st Century learning and teaching, medium for education field had been advancing too. Media getting easier to access by teachers or students, to the point that a teacher once said “Good to have YouTube. Just play a mathematics video and we can sit comfortably” (the video mentioned is the one from Salman Khan)  “Aha! with Wolfram Alpha, you don’t need to write down the formula, just run it through Wolfram’s site” x_x uh oh, but er… this is not what i’m going to write about 🙂

Back to the topic of PPT as class presentation media. After created several presentation slide and skilled with “pen stylus”, I asked my self ‘why not combine both?’

Imagine, if presenting through a projector, then a full writeable board is in front of us through a writing medium of 3.6″ x 5.8″, all while we face the students all the time, instead of showing our back to them.

If the presentation slide already filled with the content, we want to add some information while presenting, then we can easily write on the slide.

Here are the steps to write on virtual whiteboard from a blank PPT file:

1. I feel convenient using “pen stylus” commonly used by graphic design industry, but of course, this technique is equally applicable with any mouse (the sample picture showing a pen manufactured by Wacom, Intuos 4)

intuos 4 wacom

2. Prepare the whiteboard through the projector:


3. Start writing and explain the material:


4. Save one screen after you finished:



5. In the menu Edit, your writing will turn into a picture.


6. Save your PPT as usual and the file can be distributed to the students if necessary. It might help recall students’ memory about what they observe during your lesson. Of course, you can combine this with screen recording technique as was explained in the previous article “Live Recording of Class Teaching” and produce an easily re-playable video to be “fast forwarded or replayed” according to the viewers need.

With the spirit of Curriculum of 2013, I imagine this technique might be combined with “Latex” (mathematics) to wrote down the formulas, with chemistry to have this interesting Molecule structure to sketch, with Bahasa Indonesia to explain words hyphenation and intonation on a sentence. Wow, a lot of practical application.

As mentioned,  these steps are just one from various available media today. Each have their own uniqueness and could be used for the same target, depending on each teachers ability and availability (from the simplest to the most advanced).

For me, this method is most appropriate to communicate with students while keep watching them while doing my explanation in the lecture style classroom, with additional advantage to walk to to closer to middle of the students if the pen stylus have a wireless facility.

Happy Learning!


Among Friends and Besties

Thursday, 10 January 2013 was a big day for students because they had “class party” with their firends and besties and also celebrating Christmas after two weeks semester one break.

In the morning, we had mass. After that, students (led by OSIS)  performanced in Gym, and then lunch in their own classroom. Students prepared everything by themselves. Teachers are invited to their classroom and I got invitation from class 9A…. yeayyy….

Anggia led us in prayer, Pak Dharma as their homeroom teacher gave simple speech about the meaning of togetherness and continued by having lunch together…..”Nasi tumpeng”, Indomie goreng (Indonesian simplest favourite food, I guess ;)), fruit punch, magnummmmm, snack, cookies, pudding, and many more 😀

All students had fun and finish their time with free time, chit chat and dance 🙂 shuffling and gangnam style 🙂

Two simple videos below are taken from their free time after having lunch.

Enjoy !!! <3




Di yang Pertama dari Tiga Ratus Enam Puluh Lima

#1 dari #365

Mulailah dengan sebuah resolusi, wujudkan nanti dengan sebuah kenyataan…….

Semua orang rasanya memiliki resolusi, diungkapkan dalam sebuah “wish” atau hanya dipendam dalam hati, itu adalah hak asasi setiap individunya.

Menyaksikan ramai sekali anak muda beresolusi di akhir 2012 kemarin via social media, luar biasa!!! Mimpi, angan-angan, cita-cita dan harapan mereka sungguh tidak ada yang mampu membendungnya. Semangat jiwa mereka terwakili melalui layar kecil 140 karakter dan berbagai social media lain.

Sebagai orang tua (“parents”), mengenal (bahkan kadang mungkin sampai level menguasai) apa yang menjadi “trend” anak-anak ‘sekarang’ kadang sangat diperlukan. Orang tua sudah tidak boleh lagi menjadi orang yang mematok dirinya “bukan dari jaman modern ini”, “buat apalah belajar gituan, otak saya sudah bebal (bebal betulan baru rasa lho :D)”.

Tapi orang tua yang bijak adalah orang tua yang mau memahami pola pikir anak yang mau tidak mau dibawa oleh eranya. Bukan cuman meyakini bahwa anak tidak boleh dikuasai oleh teknologi, tetapi bagaimana membuat anak berteman dengan teknologi. Bukan menganggap teknologi melulu membuat anak menjadi bodoh dan malas, tetapi bagaimana membimbing anak untuk membaca, mengambil intisari dan menganalisa berbagai pengetahuan yang dengan mudah dapat diambil melalui media internet.

Refleksi bagi kita sebagai guru di mana yang menjadi orang tua atau orang yang lebih tua dari anak-anak didik kita, jangan terjebak dengan beberapa hal kecil yang disebut di atas, tetapi belajar mencoba yang baru, belajar bersama mereka, belajar mengenal dunia mereka, dan yang terpenting belajar bersyukur telah diberi kehidupan sampai hari ini, hari yang merupakan bagian dari era abad 21. Berubahlah!!!

~ Sometimes, change isn’t just good. It’s necessary ~
Tina Brown (editor in chief #LastPrintIssue Newsweek, 2012)

snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake