Diwawancara Siswa

Lagi buka-buka file, eh ketemu file ini yang dikirim siswa beberapa waktu lalu dan karena kesibukan belum sempat ditayangkan lalu malah keburu lupa X_X.

Mumpung sekarang ingat dan sedang period kosong, berikut kutipan wawancara siswa kepada saya untuk keperluan mereka dalam pelajaran BI 🙂

tugasBI  tugasBI2

Nah…..sekarang bagian saya untuk memberikan kritiknya ya 🙂 Tidak boleh keberatan karena belajar itu berarti harus siap menerima ucapan selamat maupun saran apalagi kritikan.

Menurut saya, bentuk seperti brosur yang kalian tampilkan sih boleh-boleh saja, cukup baik. Tidak pakai “tetapi” :).

Berikut ini saya coba buat dalam bentuk daftar saja, beberapa kekurangan yang musti diperhatikan:

* Jika sudah memilih narasumber, harus menentukan topik apa yang ingin digali lebih dalam. Benar mungkin topik sudah ditentukan oleh guru kalian tetapi kedalaman materi topik tersebut bisa dikembangkan sendiri. Sehingga saat wawancara berlangsung, semua pertanyaan sudah disiapkan dengan baik.

* Detil pertanyaan harus disiapkan pula. Diawali dengan pertanyaan dasar dan sederhana, lalu dilanjutkan dengan pertanyaan yang bertema sesuai topik yang ingin digali tadi. Jadi menurut saya, daftar pertanyaan di atas semuanya yang simpel saja.

* Jangan takut untuk memulai pertanyaan. Jika narasumber menolak memberikan jawaban atas pertanyaanmu, siapkan “backup” dengan pertanyaan yang lain. Jadi idealnya, galilah dahulu pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ingin kamu ajukan, buatkan pemetaan nya agar jika satu pertanyaan gagal maka ada pertanyaan lain sebagai gantinya. Bukan jadi tiba-tiba muncul seperti “anda suka warna apa?” 🙂

* Walaupun ini hanya tugas sekolah, buat diri kalian terlihat percaya diri waktu bertanya kepada narasumber.

* Laporan hasil wawancara akan jauh lebih baik jika dikemas dalam bentuk cerita. Ada pengantarnya, ada jedanya, ada pula digambarkan kondisi saat wawancara berlangsung. Jadi bukan hanya “tanya-jawab”nya saja yang dimunculkan tapi tulisan yang bisa sedikit banyak menggiring pembaca untuk berasumsi pada keadaan saat berlangsung wawancara yang sebenarnya.

Begitu deh, kira-kira evaluasinya. Semoga bermanfaat, terus berusaha dan belajar !! 🙂


Got Talent

Got Talent is a talent show television format conceived and owned by Simon Cowell‘s SYCOtv company. A pilot was made in Britain, hosted by Paul O’Grady, but after O’Grady’s split with ITV, the series was postponed, resulting in America’s Got Talent – the first full series of the format. It has spawned spin-offs in over 50 countries, in what is now referred to as the Got Talent format, similar to that described by FremantleMedia of the Idol format. ~ Wikipedia

Full stop 🙂 I won’t talk about the original Got Talent TV show. That belong to them, TV owner, TV creator and of course Simon himself 😀

Last Friday, my students, got divided into 12 groups (solo, duo , trio and group),  performed and entertained us all (students and teachers) in our version of KGS Got Talent.

Most of them expressed their talent through singing, 2 groups through dancing, 1 student played drum and 1 group in photography.

Few days before the event, I was flattered when Audrey and Giovanny showed me what they’ve prepared. They told me their theme and the process of the photo and I couldn’t even guess who were their model. For me, that described how good their photography technique and of course, how use the theme and touch up their work in Photoshop (or maybe another photography editing software).

They are not alone. Terry, “the drummer”, also told me how he had practiced playing drum, hurt his fingers but he enjoyed it so much.

And Sonia, Christine, Arianne, Mikky and Didian, who told me that they created modern dance. Dance for Christine, Sonia and Arianne? hmmm no wonder. But for Mikky and Didian? It surprised me at the first….. Mikky always looks calm and quiet, Didian looks so “mathematics” ( in a good way of course 😉 )… but then those image, disappear instantly  when I saw them on the stage.

After the first time I watched Christine and Sonia sang and dance to the tune of Ya Iya Iya Lah (yes, the one from that Japanese Duo), i thought how strange and odd is the dance and the lyric.
“kaki kanan ke depan, kaki kiri ke depan, bisa jalan…..senam yang iya iyalah..” 😀
But the real surprise came from my son, when I recall the song with my son, and he ended up saying that mommy is not outdated 😀

I really enjoyed the show. Really appreciate to Delvino who had the courage  to be a soloist. Great job Delvino, improve your skill and keep on trying.

A gorgeous Cella. If I can say, she is the best student singer I’ve ever heard and met. She own Christina Aguilera’s song as if it’s hers and sang it from her heart. Some day, you will be on the real stage of Indonesia’s Got Talent.

The one and only Bruno Mars (ehhh Alvin) hypnotized  the audience and made them sing along “Count on Me” together with him. Alvin had became a true winner because  he can do multiple things: he sang and entertained us 🙂 Good job Alvin, and don’t forgot what Ms Angie said “we wish you have the same energy in class”.

Gevin…… woww. I admire your voice. Also Elbert, Cynthia, Jasmine and Calvin. All of you really have a beautiful voice.

In generally, one word to express my feeling about you guys….. “Marvelous”.

In the link below, the story from life tweet and video in the event can be viewed now. Thank you for all participant and voters. I admire on how prompt you guys tweeted to vote your favorite 🙂




snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake snowflake