First Day of Exam

Today is the first day of five days exam in Santa Laurensia. Compare to my previous school, they are having Christmas celebration today and then holidays 😉

“Watching” them study last night was so excited. Watching through the powerful IT tool called TWITTER 😉

They spent hours and hours to study for Civics and Religion exam. How they struggle, their excitement, their “angry”, their funny thought.

“Who are the members of the BPUPKI? We don’t know them cos we haven’t born yet, should we memorising their name?”

“Why UUD 45 got amandement? Cos our teacher said so”

“Great, I fell asleep for two hours and haven’t studied yet”

“I only study for 40 – 60 minutes and the rest of time for me is sleeepppiinnng”

“Civics and Religion are driving me crazy and so wasting my pen” #pelitnya 😉 (And I was smiling during their exam just now, looking so many hand writing on the answer sheet).

Their comment are so funny, aren’t they? 🙂

This morning, my students sit for exam in arranged room based on their student number. The room arrangement alone is a new experience for me. One room contains students from grade 7 – 9. Hmm, so this is why the school didn’t ask for teachers’ request for test duration of their subjects. What if in my subject across different levels, and i want different period for each level but students end up having to sit for the same time?
But anyway, okay lah, no discussion right now. The focus now is only my students exam.

One day has finished, yeaayyy, at least we have two days of weekend after tiring days this week. Especially today, they had twice of 90 minutes to answer so many questions and put effort on hand writing. Next week, another 8 subjects waiting for the exam.

Good luck guys <3 wish you all the best for the final exam. GBU


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