Introduction: Fundamental Algebra – video flash

Hmm…… what should I do to start lesson about algebra for grade 7 students? By giving them definition? owww noooo, check it out the two definitions below:

“Algebra is the mathematics of generalized arithmetical operations” (source: wordnet30)

“Algebra is that branch of mathematics which treats of the relations and properties of quantity by means of letters and other symbols. It is applicable to those relations that are true of every kind of magnitude” (source: webster1913)

What’s that??? why is so hard to understand those words?

Some of students will cheer up when their hear the word “algebra”…..”yeaaayyy, I’ve learned it since I was young at …….. (mentioned one famous tuition for algebra ;))

Some of students will sad and scream “noooo, not that one, I don’t understand why should I get annoyed by those letters”

Below is just a sharing from me when I presented the introduction to my students in class why they should learn algebra, using video flash presentation.

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